Sharing and Dialogue:
"The Impact of Green Buildings to Create a Sustainable City"
Sharing and Dialogue
Philia Earth Limited (Hong Kong)
Rome Cafe at Graduate House, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
December 11, 2017
Event Description
Climate change is an unprecedented problem as a result of anthropogenic activities. Since COP-21 took place in Paris, world leaders pledged to improve their national policies to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emission, followed by cities mayors action plans in greening their cities. Consistent with new policies to create sustainable cities, the rise of green building movement becomes more prominent.
On December 11, 2017, Philia Earth, with collaboration of Hong Kong Green Building Council, organized the 1st ever Sharing and Dialogue event to convey the message of green building and sustainable living to college students and the general public. Special thanks to BCI Asia for sponsoring free architectural journal <FuturArc> to event participants.
Sr Bay Wong (Chairman of Hong Kong Green Building Council) shared his insight in leading the green building movement in Hong Kong. He introduced the significance of green buildings, the critical roles of
green building professionals (BEAM-Pro), and the importance of public education about green buildings.
Kenneth Poon shared his insight and vision ahead in starting a company that highly emphasizes on sustainability. In one year and a half, Philia Earth completed two major research on sustainable cities that both were presented at prestigious international conferences.
Dr. Ailin Iwan as the moderator to engage audience participation in this meaningful and timely event.